I Finished Titanic, is it the Greatest Movie of All Time?

2 min readDec 31, 2021
Titanic, whether you consider it a good film or not, is a masterpiece of the late 90's.

Earning many awards + a total of $2.2 billion in the Box Office (being one of my mom’s favorite movies too), you can tell I couldn’t miss out on Netflix’s soon-to-be-gone flick. Like, seriously? It’s gone by 1 AM..

Anyhoo, away with that mess. Let’s talk about Titanic.

I know I’m not the best, nor a professional, film critic, but I will say it here: I am going to tackle a review of Titanic. Aka, I am going to review Titanic.

Boy, am I scared.

Titanic is one of those pieces that you either love it or you hate it. And if you never watched it, you probably missed out on a crucial part of your 90’s or you weren’t even born then. Whatever more, you’re missing out.

To say Titanic is the best of the best, would have to be thoroughly debated by several groups. 3 hours and something is quite long for a story that could be summed up in less than 2 hours. But, goddammit, this movie was a ride!

I can clearly see how Titanic gave Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet their breakout roles. As well as how this is considered a “beloved classic” by my mother.

The acting, the set, the music — Not to mention, most importantly, the romance, the disaster, the story within. Titanic reached many demographics, no kidding!

For those of you asking, no, I didn’t shed a tear. I almost did, if not for the multiple breaks I took (that’s a disadvantage in watching from home).

Now, I’m going to leave this review as quick as I can, being the noobie critic.. Is it the greatest of all time? It wasn’t a part of my childhood, so my answer will, of course, differ from others. Is it a great movie though? I’d like to say so. The directing is incredibly well done, to make an enjoyable cinema experience. I wasn’t bored once!

I’m leaning on 4 stars, maybe even, 4 and a half for this one 😉

